i am off with a slow start in seeding my onions but it feels good to finally get going. we are holding off a bit on moving into the greenhouse. so, today i got started and set the trays out in the house. we won't move into the house for another 6 weeks so, it is nice to have a large space to use in the meantime. i was a bit frazzled this morning digging through the barn and then the corn crib looking for odds and ends that i needed to get started... a pencil, tweezers, wooden popsicle sticks and watering can. this sounds like an unusual list of items but each one is helpful. i also ran out of seed which sent me running all over town looking for more mini purplette, walla walla and superstar... no luck. i am starting the italian flat leaf parsley here at the apartment. i have heard that pouring boiling water over the seed helps to break its dormancy. it is not unusual for parsley to take 3 weeks to germinate.
yesterday morning i stopped by field farm and the grapevine deli, both businesses within a mile of our farm, to see about wholesaling a few items. initially, we were going to only wholesale at american flatbread and the coop but these two opportunities have evolved and we are looking forward to building relationships with customers close to home. selling at these two farm stand type businesses, might be an alternative to having our own farm stand. something we go back and forth on.
i have also been working on the blog and making changes in some of the formatting. it is taking me awhile to figure out the tricks of layout. i am moving photos around a little bit and i have some lists with links i want to add such as my favorite vermont agricultural sites, recipe links and an index that will help me to organize the posts.
tomorrow i am heading to the annual FEED conference held in montpelier this year. FEED stands for food education everyday. i have been involved with this program in various ways. in a few days, i will write more about the conference and my love for this unique vermont program for elementary students. i look forward to this gathering each year.
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