

we spend alot of time on the computer this time of year.... preparing year end tax documents, composing our production plan, updating our csa brochures and more. all of this is mixed in with cleaning up around the farm, new building projects, tractor repairs and setting up the greenhouse for a new season of growing.

we are also very busy attending farm conferences and various farm related meetings such as the NOFA VT winter conference in mid-february, VT vegetable and berry grower's annual meeting, farmer's market board meetings and more. these conferences serve as social events and inspiration for the upcoming growing season.

another fun winter task is writing letters to students through the NOFA farmer correpsondence program. i write a letter each month to an assigned classroom to inform the class about the happenings on the farm. later in the spring, there is an opportunity to have the class visit our farm. i have been participating in this program for 4 years now. i have written letters to classrooms in shelburne, vergennes and bristol.

our seeds have arrived. putting the seed order together gets easier each year now that we have been farming in east middlebury for 4 solid years now. we are finding our place in the market and have a better sense of what we can grow here. we keep our records up to date which is also a great help at this time of year when we are making decisions for our future production.

that is it for now... oh, we are building a new csa pick up shed. we will have shelter! and a cooler along with a small upright freezer that was generously donated by an awesome csa member!

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