

the garlic is doing well. it is growing fast and looks monstrous next to the beds of the puny onions we planted today. i am going to go through it with the hoe before i put the mulch back on.

today was a huge planting day. we were lucky enough to have a friend come and volunteer for half the day. we planted 800 bed feet of onions. this translates to 4,800 lineal feet of onions which is almost a mile of onions transplanted 6" apart. one mile is 5,280 feet. we had to get the irrigation going right away. super dry, super warm, super sunny, super windy.

too tired to write anymore. however, before i get off the computer, i am going to add a new list to our blog. it is a list of all the wonderful people who have given us their time to help on the elmer farm this year. we are so appreciative.

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