

i spent a few hours seeding this morning... eggplant, cherry tomatoes, more brassicas, lettuce. the parsley and tomatoes aren't quite ready for potting up. other exciting news... the garlic is starting to come up. i pushed away the mulch in several places to check. we planted over 1,000 cloves last fall. we are growing a softneck variety for the first time. i hope to make braids this year. when i apprenticed at approvecho in oregon, i learned to make them. that is also where i learned to bake bread and knit among many other usefull skills. a great opportunity to learn a little bit about forestry, alternative cooking technologies, gardening and homesteading.

this morning, angus was walking through the fields on the way to the greenhouse. though he is only 15 months old, i think he has deep inner wisdom to be a dowser. he strayed all over the field finding the largest pools of water.

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